Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Will Ferrell's Mugatu Will Be In 'Zoolander 2', Says Stiller

Back in November, Ben Stiller said that he and Justin Theroux were working on a script for Zoolander 2 and now we've got some good news for you orange mocha frappucino fans. According to Stiller's interview with Empire, the script is finished and currently being reviewed by Paramount Pictures brass. Perhaps the best news of all? Will Ferrell's Mugatu will return, piano tie and all."Where it’s at is we've completed the script, Justin Theroux and I, and handed it into the studio," Stiller said. “Now the studio has the script and we’re at that point where we’re waiting to see what they want to do. It’s ten years later and most of it is set in Europe. I don’t want to give away too much, but it’s basically Derek and Hansel ten

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