Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Why We Don't Want 'Indiana Jones' in 3-D

God dammit, George Lucas. I wonder how many times those words have been uttered by scornful film geeks like me. I'd hope it was less than logic assumes, but that's just wishful thinking. If you were to calculate it, I bet it comes out like some kind of shocking death statistic: Instead of a child dying every 60 seconds, the headline would be "Nerds Curse George Lucas' Soul Every Eight Seconds". So what's 'The Beard' gone and done this time? Well, nothing ... yet. It's what he's going to do: retroactively convert the entire Indiana Jones saga into 3-D. Because he's just so darned tired of getting asked every hour why he hasn't done it already, I guess. Who wants this? Other than the people in the LucasFilm accounting department, of

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