Rabu, 24 November 2010

Cook's tourbus scare

The funnyman woke up in a panic when he heard an explosion from underneath his bus during a trek across North Dakota. The driver and passengers escaped unscathed, but Cook admits he was so shaken when the vehicle stopped he evacuated wearing only a sock and his underwear. Appearing on U.S. programme The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, he explained, "(It was) 3:30 in the morning, we're all asleep - tyre explodes. "When a tyre explodes you don't wake up and go, 'A tyre just exploded!' You think a bomb has gone off... so a couple of things happen. First thing, you sit up and the driver's trying to compensate and he's swerving on the highway and you're flying back and forth on the bed... The bus then fills with smoke." Showing a picture

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