The latest installment in the boy wizard franchise, starring Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, hauled in $50.3 million (£33.5 million) from Friday (26Nov10) to Sunday (28Nov10), in addition to the $26 million (£17.3 million) it raised last Wednesday (24Nov10) and Thursday (25Nov10).
The bumper holiday figures take the movie's 10-day tally to $220.4 million (£146.9 million) - setting another record as the 10th best 10-day gross ever.
New animated Disney musical Tangled debuts at number two on the box office chart, scoring $49.1 million (£32.7 million) over the weekend, while Megamind trails in third place with $12.9 million (£8.6 million).
Three other new entries failed to entice audiences - Christina Aguilera and Cher's
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