Kamis, 18 November 2010

The Daily Shuffle: Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway Get Naked Together

Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway get naked together on the cover of Entertainment Weekly to promote their new movie, Love and Other Drugs. Sounds hot. That’s the whole story, but do you really need any more information? –PeopleApparently, the Eva Longoria/Tony Parker divorce can be chalked up to Tony’s sexy texts to – get this – his teammate’s wife. That’s a whole lotta double crossing. It must suck to be Eva Longoria right now. –PopEaterIn her new memoir, Sarah Palin takes a stab at American Idol contestants, saying that the competition gives them false confidence. Maybe she didn’t get the memo, but I’d wager to say that Dancing With The Stars is doing the same thing for Bristol Palin. Sarah, you may remember

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